Scots n Water

If you have an article to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! You can submit your entries to The deadlines for submissions to the magazine are:

January 15
April 1
June 1
August 15
November 1

Posted: 09/25/2023
  • We Want To Achieve
  • Charles Augustus Winans Jr. – “Mr. Flying Scot”
  • FS Fleet#23 Open House Regatta - 50 years of Good Vibes and Good Times
  • Simply Superb Saratoga
  • The 2023 New England Districts at Sandy Bay Yacht Club in Rockport, MA
  • 2023 Women’s NAC at Westhampton Yacht Squadron
  • Timing Is Everything: My Five Days at North U
  • Watercolor and Cut-Paper Image of Rockport, MA, Home of Sandy Bay Yacht Club and FS Fleet#11
Posted: 07/09/2023
  • Propose a Change to FSSA?
  • An Un-Named Boat
  • Memorial Day Defenders Challenge 2023
  • Invitation to the 2023 Scot-A-Hoochee Regatta and Clinic Sept. 22-24, 2023
  • Mixed Emotions
  • Back to Back in Birmingham!
  • Lake Norman Hosts Crushed it with an Inviting NAC
Posted: 05/22/2023
  • President’s Message: Let's Go Juniors!
  • Trapani Awarded the Allen Douglass Sportsmanship Trophy at Flying Scot Midwinters
  • FSSA Midwinters 2023
  • 2023 MidWinters – Perspective of an Average Skipper
  • Repurposing Flying Scots and More!
  • Welcome to Riverton Yacht Club – and our Unique History!
  • 2023 Juniors Championship Announcement
  • 2023 New England Districts Announcement
  • President's Message Part Two: Updating Racing Guidelines
Posted: 02/14/2023

Waveland 2023
Atlanta Fleet 211’s “Dunkin’ Derby” (Hot competition of a different color!)
US Sailing One Design Survey: Flying Scot Class Findings
Ants Ate my Centerboard Case!
On Centerboard Details
Owning an Atalanta

Posted: 12/13/2022

President’s Message: I Walked Into A Bar
Glow in the Dark Regatta
2022 Roger Punzi Memorial Regatta and GNY District Championships
2022 Scot-A-Hoochee Regatta
Great Scots Captain!
Thanks Hemkers and Rush Creek Yacht Club for Hosting the 2022 Wife-Husband!
Coming Next Issue
