Event Winners

Event Year National Event Type Championship Division Winner Challenger Division Winner Other Winners Event Host Site
2002 NAC Bill Draheim Frank Gerry Pensacola Yacht Club
2002 Midwinters Kelly Gough Ralph Jones St Andrews Bay Yacht Club
2001 NAC Greg Fisher Allen Terhune Toms River Yacht Club, New Jersey
2001 Midwinters Kelly Gough Morgan Doolittle St Andrews Bay Yacht Club
2001 NERD John M Clark Jr and Chris Smith
2001 Wife-Husband Karen and Harry Carpenter Elizabeth and Jim Harris Main and Jib: Debbie and Paul Stopkovish Berlin Yacht Club, Ohio
2000 Midwinters Bill Ewing Jeremy Mullis St Andrews Bay Yacht Club
2000 NAC Harry Carpenter Charles Fowler Indian River Yacht Club
2000 Wife-Husband Susan and John Clark Gina and John Lindahl Old Salts: Brenda and Mike Noone Saratoga Lake Sailing Club, New York
1999 Midwinters Doc Bellows Ralph Coffill St Andrews Bay Yacht Club
1999 NERD Bill Ewing and Eileen Ewing
1999 Wife-Husband Eileen and Bill Ewing Laura and Bill Bolin Carlyle Sailing Association, Illinois
1999 NAC John Dane III Anton Speaker Bay Waveland Yacht Club
1998 Midwinters Greg Fisher Ralph Rieu St Andrews Bay Yacht Club
1998 Wife-Husband Cathy and Ian Cohen Susie and Tim Stombaugh Toms River Yacht Club, New Jersey
1998 NAC Kelly Gough Thomas Lawton Carlyle Sailing Association, Illinois
1997 Midwinters Greg Fisher Gary Werden St Andrews Bay Yacht Club
1997 NERD Js GOldman and Will Nye
1997 Wife-Husband Heidi and Kelly Gough Anita and Cal Hudson Century: Nancy and Charlie Fowler The Rudder Club, Jacksonville Florida
1997 NAC Kelly Gough John Beerty Lake Norman Yacht Club
