Scots n Water
If you have an article to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! You can submit your entries to The deadlines for submissions to the magazine are:
January 15
April 1
June 1
August 15
November 1
The 2012 Season at Fleet 11 Massapoag Yacht Club 63rd Annual Regatta 2012 New England Districts Four Racing Incidents: Strange but True How Sweet It Is to Own a Brand-new Flying Scot Greetings from South Jersey Wife-Husband–or Was It the Midwinters? – in Rogersville, Alabama
Dixie Lakes Overview, 2012 Wife Husband Championship, Fleet 118 Extreme Makeover, Foundation Milestone, Masthead Float Improvements, MBC Women's Championship, Alternate Jib Sheet Cleat Configuration
What Kind of Trophy?, Flying Scots in the 2012 Whale of a Sail, Governor's Cup, Going It Alone, Glow in the Dark, Atlantic Coast Championships, Friends Gather at Lake Norman Yacht Club to Remember Diane Ross, An Incentive to Travel-Fleet 163
2012 NAC, Full Moon Regatta, Bagpipes and Scots, Sailing Marketing 101, Fishing Bay Invitational, Saratoga's 26th Invitational, Scottish Games
Great 48 Regatta, Having A Ball, Spinnaker Trim, Rolling Over the Scot, Greater NY District 2011, Doolittle: A Very Ironic Name