

The FSSA.COM site has moved to a new location.  You probably missed the whole event and we are glad if you did. We apologize if you came to the site in the short time it was down and found us not available.. If you do happen to see anything on the site that is not working, please take a moment and go to the Contact Us link above and send us an email and we will try to take care of it right away.  We hope that we all enjoy the new more robust envoronment that we have... Read More
I am sad to inform the Flying Scot community that William Claypool, father of Nancy and Carol Claypool, passed away on February 19, 2014, at age 93.  He was instrumental in the early days of our Association in getting us started and helping to make us what we are today.  He is also a Past President of FSSA, serving from 1965-1966.  We do not have all arrangements or information yet. but the family is asking for donations to the Flying Scot Foundation in... Read More
                                                            North Sails One Design recently published their 2014 One Design Yearbook.  have a look at the information and view the articles on the... Read More
                                           We have completed the voting and the results have been tabulated and the proposal to extend the use of VHF radios has passed by a margin of 85% for and 15% against.  It is important to know that a significant number of us took... Read More
Thanks to all of you who voted on this important action item. NOTE: Our office is currently closed due to severe weather. Once we are open again, we will be able to tabulate and post the results. We apologize for this unexpected. delay
