

NOTE: I am hoping the issue with the video only showing the first 10 minutes is resvoled - please let me know if it is not! If you missed the FSSA Town Hall, here's the recording for your listening pleasure. Our President President Jim Leggette led a discussion with several team members to let everyone know what's going on at FSSA these days. Thanks to Executive Secretary Courtney Waldrup for the recording. Enjoy it here. 
And the winners in tonight's raffle drawing were: 1st place and winner of a brand new Flying Scot - Richard Rainey  2nd place and winner of $1,000 towards the purchase of sails - Ryan Alexander 3rd place and winner of $500 towards the purchase of sails - Joerg Reinhold Thanks to all who bought tickets for your continued support of FSSA and Flying Scot, Inc.! And if you didn't win a boat, there's no time like now to order yourself a new boat - and the price of your ... Read More
Great news! You all did such a great job buying up the Flying Scot raffle tickets that we don’t have to wait until January to find out the winners of the boat and the discounts on sails! In fact, the drawing will be held via a Zoom call on December 18, 2024, at 7:30 P.M. Eastern Time. Good luck to all who bought tickets. See you then! Watch your email later this week for the Zoom call information.
Who NEEDS a new Flying Scot®? Who WANTS a new Flying Scot®? Yes, we are doing it again, thanks to our awesome builder Flying Scot, Inc.® ALL of the tickets have been bought! We sold 200 tickets as of 11/26 11:30 PM, so now we wait for the drawing in January! Good luck to all who bought tickets. Navigate to and scroll down to "2024 Flying Scot Raffle" to buy 1 or more tickets, up to a maximum of 5 tickets per person. While... Read More
Did you know that the Executinve Team has several recently completed and ongoing projects? Committeess have been formed, including District Governors and other insterested members. We want you to know that the work never stops!  COMPLETED: Update Racing Guidelines ONGOING Boat Borrowing and Participation Owners Only Crewing Communications Strategy Website Migration to Supported Software Measurement Commitree Ongoing Requests and Updates Foundation - Annual...
